Monday, February 7, 2011

What is love?

         Love and what it is had been one of the hardest question to answer in man kind for centuries. Depending on context , love can be of different varieties. Psycologists say that love has to have three components ; intamcy , commitment , and passion , and in the ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. There are many different types of love , family love , friend love , relationship love , envy love etc. The urge to fall in love , is like sex and hunger , a primitive , biological drive.
       “ Love  makes life confusing , but without love would you really want to live?” From the time we are kids we watch things that revolve around love , even cartoons ; we get it stuck in are heads from the beginning that love is what we are seaking. Some search for it , and some “lets love find them” , but the question I want to know is , do you think the word love gets thrown around to much , without a meening , without feeling? People crave to be loved , but whats so fasinating about it?
           Love triggers the same part as your brain , as if you were to take cocaine. Some say love is evil , and some say it’s the best thing that could ever happen to you , but cocaine breaks you down and is bad , and addictive ; so what does that make love , if are brain reacts the same to it as it does cocoaine? I have had love for plenty of things , and still do , so I would not say that love is evil , but if its not right then it can hurt. If you don’t love , can you be loved back?

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