Tuesday, February 1, 2011

8 letters , 3 words , 1 meening!

          LOVE- An emotional  feeling that comes from the heart and soul, and both  the mind and eyes. It lasts forever , not a day or two and always leaves you with a smile.
            I love you ; 8 letters , 3 words , and 1 meening.  Everybody loves someone or something , whether its an activity , a person , or a thing ; everyone loves something. In this piticulare post im talking about family love. I love my family more then I could possibly expalin , I don’t know were I would be without them. Even though we do not always get agree , and are totally all different individuals , and know exactkly how to piss eachother off ; that’s my family.
             I love my family because were quit odd. We sit at the dinner table and talk “inappropriate” , we fight over whom can turn their music up the loudest , who is going to to stay on the comouter or the Wii , who calls the bathroom first after a long day at the beach , and who is going to ask mom to do something or go somewhere. We joke around about my 10 yr. old brothers girlfriend  , my 13 yr. old brothers funny run , my parents in general , and my sisters for acting “slow” sometimes , but when we do it , we do it out of love.
                Love comes in many different types  -  family love , friend love , relationship love , admiring love , and enjoyment love. I choose to write about the types of love because everyone has that feeling , and has an opinion of it , so tell me , why do you love your family? What makes them special to you?Share a funny story that has happened in your family , that makes you laugh everytime you think about it!


  1. this is a really inspiring blog it makes me think that i dont appreciate my family as much as i should, but your right love comes in all ways which not many people realize that its easy to love in all ways, shapes, and forms.

    but i would like to know what makes your family the way they are and what do you love most about them?
    Have you ever felt as if they don't care that your around i mean i have had some days where i feel like maybe my family dones't care if i was here or on the moon, i try to be patient but it gets hard because it seems as if they don't care or if they want to show it. No matter what happens with my family and I, I will still love them until the end of time i just wish it was easier to get along with them.
    If you could describe your family how would you?

  2. I agree with this post because it's not always smiles.When you in love it's not always going to be a walk in the park.For example i am in love an me and my man have nothing but problems. At the end of the day i know he isen't going no where because our love is strong.Iv'e enjoyed reading this an i can not wait to read the next one.
