Thursday, February 17, 2011

How to know...

  • How do you love someone? 1. Be a good companion
Stay with your loved ones often, this will not only increase intimacy but also strengthen the belief in your mind that you love him. Do not multi-task while accompany him/her, put down your books, shut down your laptop or TV to focus on spending the quality time together. Remember to give her undivided attention.
2. Unconditioned Love
When you love someone, never expect anything in return. That is, you shouldn't expect even love in return. Remember, one can truly love another person just because he/she wants to and not because he/she has to.
3. Know your partner's favorite "Love Language"
Do they know you love them when you speak words of love? Or maybe they feel loved by your acts of service? Some people feel loved by receiving little gifts while others might like loving touches (a good night/morning kiss before sleep and upon awaken). Real love is not based on your preference but your partner's.
4. Support
Be supportive and assist to complete her important goals.
5. Do not compare
Do not compare her unfavorably with others. Instead brag about her to others, both in front of her and when she is not with you.
6. Admit and apologize if you are in the wrong
You're not too macho to say, "I'm sorry" if you are really in the wrong. In fact you'll be a much bigger man if you do apologize.
7. Appreciation
Appreciate the love you and your loved one share. Never take your love for granted. Every day you should be thankful that you are getting the chance to be with such an amazing and wonderful person, and make sure that they have plenty of reasons to be thankful that they are with you too. A relationship that is truly based on love can be hard to find, and you should always be grateful that the two of you have been brought together, and that you are both able to bring joy to each other's lives.
8. Lies Hurt
Don't ever lie to the one you love, tell the truth. Remember when you tell one lie, you have to use many more to cover it, once it is disclosed, things will get complicated.

There is not one specific way to “show” or “prove” your love for someone. Some people like actions better then just words , for example if your partner says that he or she is tired , make sure the house is quiet so he or she can sleep peacefully. If doing that , they may find that as their proof for love. But now , how do you know if you are in love? People mistake the wrong things for being in love , and they end up getting hurt by that person , then for the rest of the time they are scared from that experience and scared to go out and try again. Everyone always thinks that what can go wrong will go wrong , but if you keep that attitude you are doing nothing but keeping that mind set. You can make happen what you want to , so keep a positive attitude.

After all the dating and relationships , you start to feel like its time to find the right one. So lets say you start to date , and you have been seeing this certain person for awhile now. Your mind starts to wonder , thinking things such as “Am I in love”? well some things that could possibly help you figure that out are the following…

  • You want to spend all your time with this person.
  • You talk to and text this person many times during the course of a day.
  • You get nervous and anxious when you meet this person.
  • You feel a strong need to dress up nicely and groom yourself better when you meet this person.
  • You take a keen interest in this person's family members and childhood stories.
  • You feel like buying this person gifts from time to time.
  • You remember small details about this person that no one else does.
  • You are sexually attracted to this person.
  • You derive comfort and support from being around this person and feel that he/she can help you overcome your problems.
  • You wish to share your achievements and happiness with this person.
  • You feel totally relaxed and composed with this person, and also feel that you can be yourself completely.
  • You completely trust this person, and do not feel that he/she will betray you.
  • You feel a little jealous when you feel this person is giving someone else more importance than you.
  • You are willing to give up certain things you love or enjoy doing, in order to please this person.
  • You look forward to talking to or meeting this person after a long hard day.
  • You know that this person will be there for you when you are in urgent need of something.
  • You do not mind public displays of affection with this person.
  • You do not mind sharing intimate details and secrets about your life with this person.
  • You are not afraid of committing yourself to this person, and you also think about being with them in the future.
  •  Lastly, when this person tells you that he/she loves you, you have a strong urge to say it back as well, without feeling awkward about it.

So do not be scared to go out and try new things , take a chance and take this list , date and figure out how to love , and then think am I in love…

Thursday, February 10, 2011

How (LOVE)ly*

Who do you love? Why do you love them? It has been proven that people crave to be loved and to find true love. Love is pastion , love is feeling , love is envy and love is patients. Supposibly , each person falls in love approximatly seven different times before finding  the right person… Speaking of the right person , does that meen marriage , Do you think that in order to prove your love and devotion to the person whom you are in love with , that you need to get married?
                Just because you have fallen in love with a certain someone , do you think that meens you should get married , and committee to eachother with vales? I think that is what perople were taught to believe , but in my opinion marriage is always a nice way to say “I love you” , but it is niot neccesarly needed to prove that you love someone. Just because you do not have a ring on our finger does not meen love as powerful and menipulative as it is  , is not there. My biggest question is , can you fall out of love  , and if you can not , then does that meen you were never in love with that person in the way that you thought.
                There are different types of  love , but today I am talking about couple love. At the age of 18 , I have said that I have fallen in love once , which was my longest on and off relationship of 6 years. Now people are first to judge and tell you “no , you do not know what love is…” etc etc. But who  really does know , only you can know if you are in love and how it feels to you ; have you ever been in love , or are you in love? Great couples such as Will Smith and his lady Jada Pinkett , make people want realtionships ; they have sucha great bound and really know how to make there realtionship work. Previously on Oprahs show , here was what Will had to say about m,akeing there realtionship work , maybe you could use this to help your realtionship if you have one!

Will Smith, one of Hollywood's hottest leading men, married his leading lady Jada Pinkett in 1997. Although this talented twosome has been married for almost a decade, Will told Oprah  that they have to constantly work to keep their relationship strong and fresh.

Will: We really study our relationship. I figure I work maybe 70 hours a week on movies…and a lot of people think that you can spend that much time doing your job but then probably 14 minutes a week working on your relationship. So, we knew very early that that wasn't the case…that [our marriage] was something that we were absolutely, positively going to have to work on.

Oprah: So there's scheduled "working on" time?

Will: Every day. You know, you're a new person every day, you know? So we try to pay attention to the changes and talk about everything.

For you see, each day I love you more
Today more than yesterday and less than tomorrow.
~Rosemonde Gerard

Monday, February 7, 2011

What is love?

         Love and what it is had been one of the hardest question to answer in man kind for centuries. Depending on context , love can be of different varieties. Psycologists say that love has to have three components ; intamcy , commitment , and passion , and in the ancient proverb love is defined as a high form of tolerance. There are many different types of love , family love , friend love , relationship love , envy love etc. The urge to fall in love , is like sex and hunger , a primitive , biological drive.
       “ Love  makes life confusing , but without love would you really want to live?” From the time we are kids we watch things that revolve around love , even cartoons ; we get it stuck in are heads from the beginning that love is what we are seaking. Some search for it , and some “lets love find them” , but the question I want to know is , do you think the word love gets thrown around to much , without a meening , without feeling? People crave to be loved , but whats so fasinating about it?
           Love triggers the same part as your brain , as if you were to take cocaine. Some say love is evil , and some say it’s the best thing that could ever happen to you , but cocaine breaks you down and is bad , and addictive ; so what does that make love , if are brain reacts the same to it as it does cocoaine? I have had love for plenty of things , and still do , so I would not say that love is evil , but if its not right then it can hurt. If you don’t love , can you be loved back?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

8 letters , 3 words , 1 meening!

          LOVE- An emotional  feeling that comes from the heart and soul, and both  the mind and eyes. It lasts forever , not a day or two and always leaves you with a smile.
            I love you ; 8 letters , 3 words , and 1 meening.  Everybody loves someone or something , whether its an activity , a person , or a thing ; everyone loves something. In this piticulare post im talking about family love. I love my family more then I could possibly expalin , I don’t know were I would be without them. Even though we do not always get agree , and are totally all different individuals , and know exactkly how to piss eachother off ; that’s my family.
             I love my family because were quit odd. We sit at the dinner table and talk “inappropriate” , we fight over whom can turn their music up the loudest , who is going to to stay on the comouter or the Wii , who calls the bathroom first after a long day at the beach , and who is going to ask mom to do something or go somewhere. We joke around about my 10 yr. old brothers girlfriend  , my 13 yr. old brothers funny run , my parents in general , and my sisters for acting “slow” sometimes , but when we do it , we do it out of love.
                Love comes in many different types  -  family love , friend love , relationship love , admiring love , and enjoyment love. I choose to write about the types of love because everyone has that feeling , and has an opinion of it , so tell me , why do you love your family? What makes them special to you?Share a funny story that has happened in your family , that makes you laugh everytime you think about it!