Thursday, April 21, 2011

Whats my reflection...?!

           I did my blog this semester ( 9 weeks ) on love. Manly couple love , but some family , friend and envy love.  People say that they know what love is , and that they could talk about it , or even blog about it all the time , but after having to do this blog I beg to differ. There are  many types of love – which means there are many types of deffinitions. You can search love on the internet and page after page of websites will show up , but In my personal opinion ; love is that one feeling that you can not put into words , you just can not tag it with a deffinintion.
           I had the most fun doing the interview blog. I asked my those questions to my mom , and she answered then honostly , and after asking her the variety of questions about love , and seeing how her face just lights up when she talks about how In love she is…it was nice , and I would say if you light up like that , you are deffinitly in love. The most interesting blog about love that I did , was the one about internet love , and talking about , “ Can you fall in love with someone you have never met in person?”. Depending on how you look at love will vary your answer to that question. I personally do not think that you can fall in love with a person you have never met , because the computer in a way is kind of like a mask. You can be someone totally different in real life , face to face then the person you are saying you are between a  computer screen.
          You know all these years from the time I was little til the time I am now considered an adult ( age 18 ) I have always thought that men and womens view on love where really different , but we had to do a compare and contrast blog , and I did exactly that. Men and women suprisingly want the same things when it come to love. Both want to feel needed and loved of course , but not to the point where it gets clingy. Some of the differences I also learned was that men don not want to talk about their problems right then and there , but women do , and that is what causes  a lot of the fighting because neither men or women come to an agreement on when to fix the problem.
          This is going to be my last blog and I am not going to continue this anymore . It was fun while it lasted but like I had mentioned you think that you can talk and know what love is , but I just can not continue righting about soemthing , when it all comes down to a personal opinion about what you feel .  This was fun while it lasted , and I learned some new things from all the research I have had to do like…the part of your brain that gets triggered when you are in love is the same part of your brain that is triggered when you do cocaine. How irronic right?

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Off topic... SUMMER 2011*


I have been in school for 12 years , but i am not a senior. After Kindergartin , my mom put me in a grade between Kindergartin and First grade called TK-1. I am only in the 11th grade , but by now most kids my age (18) are graduated after doing there 12 yrs. I am making it sound like prison , but school is not that bad at all. Of course you will always have drama , well sometimes , its just depends on the people you associate with. But inbetween all those wrong people that you run into at school you will end up with atleast one great friend that you will b friends with forever.

You go into high school wanting to be everyones friend , and thinking that anyone that is nice to you is your friend/ friends , but reality is , you will not be friends with or even associate with more then half the people you meet in school. School is exhausting , you get up at 7:30 a.m and get home at 4:00 p.m , come home do chores , eat , shower , homework , then bed , and without a doubt in betweenall that responceibilities you are watching t.v , on the computer , or phone , or even at a sport you enjoy , or out with a friend.

Being a teenger is hard! But my 11th grade grade year is creeping to an end , and my senior years is right aroud the corner. Ever years passes with plenty of good , and plenty of bad memeories ; but you will always learn to appreciate them because they get you where you are and were you want to be. My senior year next year i am going to do everything. I am going to do everything from Powder puff , prom , homecomming , buy a year book , and anything else that i can do i am going to do it...i mean hello why not ?!

In 6 weeks will be the beginning of summer 2011 , the summer of hanging out with my great friends and family , a summer filled at the beach with tanning spray all over me , and hopefully be lucky enough to get hired at anyjob openings i will and have applied to , get a car maybe , and anything else i want and can do. When i come back next year , i am going to have all smiles on all the time , and enjoy my last year in school , because after this summer , after next school year i am thrown into the real world and there is nothing i can do about it...I AM PREPARED!

Men are from Mars , Women are from Venus...

Love : many different types , and in a way different kinds of meanings. Everyone has there opinion about love , whether they believe in it , or whether it just be there view on the meaning. But there is only two types of species on Earth , Men and Women , do they have different view and out looks about love well lets compare and contrast...

- When things start to get difficult in a relationship , and thier stress level goes up , they go to their "cave" , and withdrawl themsleves.
-Men value power , competence , and achievement in many things but also relationships.
-Men feel loved when the feel needed.
-Men want to feel trusted and appreciated.
-Men think that a way to score good with a women , is to do something big!

-Women want to feel like the man is always listening.
-When women share there problems with othere , its a sign of trust.
-Women when stressed , become more overwhellmed and want to get more invloved and talk about it.
-Women do not want to give advice to a man.
-A womens self-esteem falss and rises like waves.

All in all men and women are two different types of sex , two different types of people , and have different standards and expectations ; but theres that one thing that brings us as men and women together...LOVE! We all like to feel needed , appreciated , wanted , etc etc. So if a man ever tells you or a women ever tells you you do not know what they need or want , just say why yes , yes i do ;)!