Wednesday, March 16, 2011

nature v.s nurture * how do you feel about love?

Everyone has different opinions about love , so thats why i asked my beautiful intelligent "in love" mother about love , and how she feels about it. So here are the questions i asked her , and her responce to them.

1.Q: Do you believe in love? why or why not?
   A: Yes, because I have a wonderful husband that I am in love with. He is amazing in everyway possible.

2.Q:What do you think is the deffinition of love in your opinion?
   A: I think the deffinition of love is when two people are there for eachother and support eachther no matter what the situation is.

3.Q: Do you think the is more then one kind of love ,a nd is so how many , and if no why do you think there is only one kind of love?
   A: Yes i think there is many different kinds of love. The love for your souse , is different from the love you have for your children and also your friends.

4.Q: Why or why not do you think that marriage is the way to show your commitment and love to your partener?
   A: I do not think that you need to be married to show your love and commitment to another. It is all about how you show your love to the other person and being there for him/her.

5.Q: Do you think we learn to love by nature or nurture ; why?
   A: I believe that love is taught (nurture) , reasons why i tohink that is because if you are loved ; shownlove as a child then you will learn how to love as you are grwing up.

6.Q: Is it possible in your opinion to fall in love with someone you have never met before - internet dating?
   A: No , i do not believe in falling in love with someone you have never met, because once you meet them they are a completely different person.

7.Q: How valuable is love to you?
   A: Very valuable , because without love in your life it would be a very lonely place to be.

8. Q: Could you fall out of love ; and if yes , why ; if no explain...
    A: Ido not think you can fall out of love with someone. Because when you are in love it is an amazing feeling , that never goes away. If you fall out of love with someone , i think it was just lust , not love.

9. Q: How would you explain the difference between love and lust?
    A: a) Lust is something that fills a void for being lonely , and just wanting someone there in your life for a short period of time. b) Love is something that is magical , it is perfct ; when you love someone you cannnot be without them. They are always on your mind , you always want them around , and nothing they do bothers you.

10. Q: Have oyu ever been in love , or are you still ; if so how does it feel , if not have you ever experienced lust?
      A: Yes ihave been in love and i am still in love with an amazing man. It feels wonderful , the greatest feeling ever. Yes i also have been in lust because i thought i needed someone in my life so i would not be lonely and needed to filla void. It was wrong , and i have learned that it is okay to be yourself.

In a way after , interviewd my mom , i felt close to her. Its amazing to see how someone in love lights up , and how there eyes sparkle , and they smile none stop. Love is one powerful word , because it has such a powerful meening. But the question that stood out the most to my mom , was number 5 - the nature v.v nurture question , so let me ask you ; how do you think love is"taught" by nature , or nurture?

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Its always your choice in the end...

      Love over the internet , could you really find a connection that deeply with someone you have never met in person? Dating websites such as , Zoosk , and eHarmony are all dating websites , that promise a connection between two people that have never met before and that are both searching for the same thing LOVE . Men and women are both star struck by the idea of falling in love and having that fairy tail ending we all see when we are little.
        When  people start “talking” to each other like that its most  likely because they are physically attracted to that person , and or sexually attracted to that person without even knowing who , how , or what about them. From my point of view dating websites are slim to none when it comes down to falling in love , but creating some sort of relationship such as  friendship , that could work and even possibly be the beginning to something more then just friends , because you are slowly but surely taking the time to get to know this person from the inside out instead of the outside in.

       I have never internet dated , but I know people that have and they debate all the time whether to just give up or to keep trying because after years of doing internet dating they still have not found what they are looking for , but why could that be ; not because they are not special enough but maybe because when you internet date you can put in a “requirement” of the type of person you are looking for in both looks and personality. There is no such thing as your perfect dream person , and when you try to paint a picture of what you want , you will shut down anything that is not just that , which can hurt you in the end because of being to selfish.

       Knowing what you want and finding the way to get it is always a challenge , and that is internet dating ; a challenge. I like the saying , “ love will find you , when you least expect it” and that is soooo true. So tell me , do you agree with internet dating , why or why not?